Zaccheus J. Ahonle

Department / Division

  • Rehabilitation Counseling Faculty


  • Assistant Professor
  • Program Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counseling




  • 508 Allen Hall

Dr. Zaccheus Ahonle Curriculum Vitae


  • B.S., Federal University of Agriculture (FUNAAB) – Nigeria, Mathematical Sciences
  • M.S., University of Ibadan – Nigeria, Information Science
  • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, Rehabilitation Counseling
  • Post-doctorate, Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Courses Taught

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
  • Medical Aspects of Disability
  • Job Placement in Rehabilitation
  • Vocational Assessment
  • Practicum in  Rehabilitation Counseling
  • Internship in Rehabilitation Counseling

Research/Clinical Interests

  • Employment and return to school for individuals with acquired neurological disorders e.g. traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Addressing disparities in rehabilitation outcomes for rural Veterans and Veterans with disabilities
  • Telerehabilitation – Improving vocational rehabilitation and behavioral health services outcomes for rural population with disabilities through tele-mediated technologies
  • Big data – secondary data analysis
  • Populations of interest: Persons with acquired neurological disorders, trauma-related disabilities, and Veterans

Selected Publications

  • Lebeau, K, Ahonle, Z.J., Mburu, S. N., Romero, S., & Myers, K (In Press). Trends in Utilization and Cost of Physical Therapy Referrals to the Community in the Veterans Health Administration System: A Quality Improvement Study Federal Practitioner
  • Ahonle, Z.J., Wei, T.E., Rumrill, P., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (In Press) Competitive integrated employment in the State- Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Program Among individuals with Cognitive, Physical, and Sensory Functional Impairments. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Chiu, C., Rumrill, S., Ahonle, Z. J., Wertheimer, J., Henderson, K., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2024). The Unique Function and Value of a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Semeah, L. M., Orozco, T., Wang, X., Ahonle, Z J., Cowper Ripley, D. C., Ganesh, S. P., Wilson, L. K., Litt, E. R., Ahern, J. K. Santos Roman, L. M., Varma, D. S., Lee, M. J., Novak, J. R., & Jia, H., (2023). Rural and Urban Home Modification Program Users: A comparative study. Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 16(2), 223-235.
  • Ahonle, Z.J., Hill, J. C., Rumrill, P., Degeneffe C. E., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2023). The 2023 revision to the CRCC Code of Ethics: Implications for defining and protecting the counselor-client relationship. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Tucker, M., Degeneffe, C. E., Romero, S., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2022): Return to School Outcomes among Adults with TBI One Year After Rehabilitation Discharge: A TBIMS Study, Brain Injury, 36(8), 1000-1009.
  • Degeneffe C. E., Tucker, M., & Ahonle, Z.J. (2022). Brief Report: Participation among transition-aged youth with traumatic brain injury in the state/federal vocational rehabilitation system. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 65(2), 161–165.
  • Semeah, L. M., Orozco, T., Wang, X., Jia, H., Lee, M. J., Wilson, L. K., Ganesh, S. P., Ahonle, Z J., Varma, D. S., Litt, E. R., Ahern, J. K. Santos Roman, L. M., Cowper Ripley, D. C. (2022). Predictors of County-Level Home Modification Use Across the US. Federal Practitioner. 39(6), 274-280.
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Kreider, C. M., Hale-Gallardo, J. L., Castaneda, G., Findley, K.., Ottomanelli, L., & Romero, S. (2021). Implementation and use of video tele-technologies in delivery of individualized community-based vocational rehabilitation services to rural veterans. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 55(2),227-233
  • Semeah, L. M., Orozco, T., Wang, X., Lee, M. J., Ahonle, Z. J., et. al. (2021). Home modifications for rural veterans with disabilities. Federal Practitioner, 38(7), 300-310.
  • Semeah, L.M., Ganesh, S. P., Wang, X., Cowper-Ripley, D. C, Ahonle Z. J., Lee, M. J., Hale- Gallardo, J., Jia, H. (2021). Home modification and health services utilization in rural and urban veterans with disabilities. Housing Policy Debate
  • Degeneffe C. E., Tucker, M., & Ahonle, Z.J. (2020). State-level differences in public vocational rehabilitation closures among transition-aged youth with traumatic brain injury. The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 26(2), 136-142.

Selected Presentations

  • Image removed.Ahonle, Z.J., Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C., Rumrill, P., & Bower, W. (2023). Differential vocational rehabilitation outcomes for Mississippi residents with cognitive, physical, and sensory impairments [Webinar]. University of Kentucky Human Development Institute: Quality Employment Virtual Continuing Education Series. Lexington, KY. November 30, 2023.
  • Rumrill, S., Ahonle, Z., & Rumrill, P. (2023). Ethical issues and decision-making strategies in blindness vocational rehabilitation. University of Kentucky Human Development Institute: Quality Employment Virtual Continuing Education Series. Lexington, KY. November 10, 2023.
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Rumrill, S., & Rumrill, P. (2023, October). Ethical Considerations in Empowering Individuals with Visual Impairments: Understanding the 2023 Code of Ethics for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors. A presentation at the Mississippi AER 2023 Conference Audience: Professionals, Individuals and Veterans with visual loss, and family members
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Rumrill, P., & Rumrill, S. (2024, May). Differential Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes for Consumers with Functional Disabilities: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study. A presentation at Spring 2024 ARRPE Research Symposium. Audience: Rehabilitation Counseling Scholars, Educators, and Professionals
  • Rumrill, P., Rumrill, P., & Ahonle, Z. J. (2024, May). New Direction in Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Consumers with Traumatic Brain Injury. A presentation at Spring 2024 ARRPE Research Symposium. Audience: Rehabilitation Counseling Scholars, Educators, and Professionals
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Wei, T.E., Rumrill, P., Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2023, November). Competitive Integrated Employment Outcomes Among Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities: Implications for Practice A Symposium presented at 2023 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 100th Annual Conference & Expo, Atlanta, Georgia. Audience: Professional
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Sanchez, J., Ching, D., Jorgensen Smith, T., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2022, November). Multicultural & Ethical Considerations of Behavioral Health. Symposium presented at 2022 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 99th Annual Conference & Expo, Chicago, Illinois. Audience: Professional.
  • Rumrill, P., Ahonle, Z. J., Degeneffe, C. E., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2022, March). Strategies for Working with Individuals with TBI Across Phases of the VR Process. Professional Poster Accepted for presentation at 2022 National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) Spring 2022 Conference, California: Professional
  • Ahonle, Z. J. (2022, October). Section A of the proposed new CRCC Code of Ethics – What blindness and low-vision rehabilitation professionals need to know. A presentation at the 2022 Mississippi AER 2022 Virtual Conference Audience: Professional, Individuals and Veterans with visual loss, and family members
  • Ahonle, Z. J., Rumrill, P. & Rumrill, S. (2022, September). The new CRCC Code of Ethics: What rehabilitation counselors need to know. A presentation at the 2022 Rehabilitation Association of Mississippi (RAM) Conference, Oxford, MS. Audience: Professional
  • Rumrill, S., Rumrill, P. & Ahonle, Z. J. (2022, September). A cognitive support technology and customized vocational case management intervention for college students with TBI. A presentation at the 2022 Rehabilitation Association of Mississippi (RAM) Conference, Oxford, MS. Audience: Professional

Selected Professional Activities and Memberships

  • Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES), Active Member
  • Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), Active Member
  • American Psychological Association (APA), Active Member
  • Association of Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, Active Member – Board of Director
  • American Counseling Association (ACA), Active Member
  • American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA), Active Member
  • National Rehabilitation Association (NRA), Active Member
  • Rehabilitation Association of Mississippi (RAM), Active Member
  • American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), Active Member

Certifications and Licensures

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)